OUR Impact

In the Men's Shelter, we provide a man a shower, a meal, and a safe warm place to sleep for a night and try to help him move on to something better. At Hope House we offer the next steps toward independence: transitional housing, assistance in getting training, counseling, and life skills, and help to find and keep a job.

Sometimes all that a homeless man is ready to accept is a warm safe place to sleep, access to a shower and a meal, and the faces of people who care - and those things are important! For some of our clients, that is as far as it goes, but others are able to use their time in the shelter to recover from whatever has caused them to be homeless, to find resources to put them on the path to get job training or medical help, a GED, Veterans benefits, and/or help finding suitable housing. Darryl Jones is one of our clients who made the most of his time in our programs and now serves as our Shelter Program Manager giving back to the program that he credits with saving his life.

From 2010 through 2018, CPOH operated the men’s shelter only during the 5 coldest months each year (November through March). In 2019, we added the month of October, and in 2024 we began operating on a year-round basis in conjunction with the move to our new facility at City Road Center for Hope.

We will add some statistics here soon.

Who Are The Homeless?

Truth is…this could happen to anyone

The truth is that any of us can become homeless!  The homeless are people who have skills, education and intelligence.  Who may have lost their jobs through lay-offs and downsizing; who may have experienced illness or the death of a working spouse; Perhaps they were the victim of a violent crime or fire. 

Who is homeless?

Among the homeless are people mostly in urban areas who are literally homeless (on the streets or in shelters) and people who face eviction within a week from a private dwelling or institution and who have no subsequent residence or resources to obtain housing. In rural areas, which typically lack an urban-style homeless services infrastructure, homeless people are likely to live with relatives in overcrowded or substandard housing. A lack of decent, affordable housing underlies both urban and rural homelessness.

Click to view CIT Homelessness and Mental Illness power point presentation Or follow this link to the NC Coalition to End Homelessness (WWW.NCCEH.ORG)

Characteristics of persons experiencing homelessness

The AHAR has consistently found that African-Americans, men between the ages of 31 and 50, and people with disabilities are all at higher risk of becoming homeless, compared to their representation in either the U.S. or the poverty population.

The characteristics of sheltered homeless individuals are very different from the characteristics of sheltered persons in families. Individuals are more likely to be White men, over 30 years old, and have a disabling condition, while adults in families are more likely to be younger African-American women without a reported disability.

Most people who used a homeless residential facility stayed for a short period of time. Sixty percent of emergency shelter stays lasted less than a month, with one-third lasting less than 1 week. People in transitional housing stayed for longer periods of time because these programs are designed to serve people for up to 2 years. Nonetheless, more than sixty percent of users of transitional housing stayed for less than 6 months during the AHAR reporting period.